Grease EP2

Available Packing

5 KG, 15 KG, 180 KG


EP2 & EP3 GREASE offer excellent performance levels. They are premier quality, multipurpose, extreme pressure industrial greases based on a blend of high viscosity index mineral oils and a lithium hydroxy stearate soap
thickener and contain lead-free extreme -pressure and other proven additives. EP2 & EP3 grease is designed for the grease lubrication of rolling elements and plain bearings such as those found in the steel, paper, mining, quarrying, and construction industries.

Grades: EP Grease is available in the following EP grades โ€“ EP2 & EP3.

User Benefits

  • Forms a durable lubrication film, resulting in a reduction of maintenance and downtime costs. Miscible with most other conventional soap greases. Excellent mechanical stability avoiding ejection or loss of consistency during
    operation. Excellent adhesion to metal. Good thermal stability, leading to high resistance to temperature variations.